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Will Delaying Medical Care Negatively Affect My Personal Injury Case?

Imagine you’ve just been injured in a car wreck or other significant accident and emergency medical providers arrive on the scene. You feel anxious, overwhelmed, and upset. The emergency providers strongly suggest you seek medical care as soon as possible, but with adrenaline pumping through your veins and thoughts rushing through your head, going to the hospital is the very last thing you want to do.

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Why Choose Shankle Law Firm?

In addition to the pain experienced in a work-related injury, you may also be frightened and experiencing high levels of anxiety associated with thoughts like:

When can I go back to work?
Will my employer hold my job?
Will I be terminated?
How long and what type of medical treatments will I require?
Who will pay the medical bills?
Can I receive workers’ compensation?
What should I do next?

It is understandable that with the pain and emotions you are feeling, the last thing you want to do is contact an attorney.