North Carolina’s Top Ten (10) Industries With Highest Rate of Work-Related Injuries, and Most Common Types of Injuries

Although work injuries can and do occur in all types of jobs, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ recent studies show that the top industries with the highest rates of workplace injuries are:

• Health care and social assistance (544,800 workplace injuries)
• Retail trade (401,100 workplace injuries)
• Manufacturing (395,300 workplace injuries)
• Accommodation and food services (271,000 workplace injuries)
• Transportation and warehousing (213,100 workplace injuries)
• Construction (195,600 workplace injuries)
• Wholesale trade (157,100 workplace injuries)
• Administrative and waste services (112,800 workplace injuries)
• Other services (except public administration) (70,800 workplace injuries)
• Professional and technical services (66,100 workplace injuries)

While the above are the top industries for workplace injuries in North Carolina, workers in all types of jobs are at risk for suffering injuries on the job. We see workers with many types of injuries to include broken bones, amputations, disc herniations, joint tears, etc. Below are some of the most common types of work-related injuries in North Carolina:

• Bone fractures and dislocations
• Exposure injuries (including injuries from electricity, hazardous substances, and extreme heat and cold)
• Eye and ear injuries
• Internal injuries
• Muscle, ligament, and tendon injuries
• Repetitive stress injuries (including carpal tunnel syndrome)
• Severe cuts and bruises
Spinal cord injuries (including lower back pain and herniated discs)
Traumatic brain injuries (including concussions)

If you or anyone you know has experienced a work injury, we would encourage you to speak to an attorney. Your wages, family, and future could be at stake. Contact us at 704-370-1212 for a free consultation with Maggie Shankle. Maggie is a Board-Certified Workers, Compensation Specialist, which is the highest ranking you can have in the practice of Workers’ Compensation. Call us today and get the experience, care and compassion your need and deserve.

Call Maggie

Referenced Links:

Workplace Injury Statistics – 2021 UPDATE: Data for Workplace Accidents, Injuries, and Deaths

Click to access soii-charts-2018.pdf

North Carolina Work Injury Lawyer