'Tis the season for distracted drivers! Many families are returning home after holiday travel or gearing up for New Year’s Eve plans. Unfortunately, with the fun and festivities comes many drivers who are not focused on the road while they are driving! With increased traffic and distracted minds, comes the increased risk of a motor vehicle accident. Here are a few precautionary tips to keep us alert, safe, and secure during this busy season:
*Pack An Emergency Kit: Be sure to pack a few extra safety items such as a first aid kit, extra coats or blankets, and a flashlight. In the event of an emergency, these items can be helpful.
*Stay Alert: Did you know that you are four (4) to six (6) times more likely to experience a crash (or near-crash) if you are driving while drowsy? It’s very important to be well rested and remain focused on the road. Take turns with another licensed driver if you are traveling distances or be sure to take breaks when needed in safe locations.
*Put Down the Cell Phone: The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Further, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), texting while driving is SIX TIME more dangerous than driving under the influence of alcohol.
*Secure Vehicle Items: Most people are traveling with extra items that are not normally in their vehicles. Whether you have gifts, luggage, or other items, be sure they are properly secured so that they do not become a possible hazard.
*Call Uber, Lyft, or Line up a Designated Driver: New Year’s Eve brings an increased risk of alcohol related accidents. Please be responsible, and do not drink and drive. If you can, refrain from being on the road later evening on NYE. Even if you are driving safely, many others may not be late night on NYE. We here at Shankle Law Firm want you safe and well!
Though there are several ways to take precautions, unfortunately some accidents are inevitable. We hope that you and your family have safe travels and a wonderful time with your family over the holidays and welcoming in 2022! In the event you are involved in a motor vehicle accident please know that we are here to help. Contact us at 704-370-1212 for a free consultation and to see Attorney, Maggie Shankle may be able to assist you.
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